Executive Committee

  • President


    Ms. Maxcine Walker – Ms. Walker spent her career as Budget Analyst for the Department of Defense. She is a member ot Zion Baptist Church.

  • Vice President

    Vice President

    Mr. Waverly E. Brown, Jr. – Mr. Brown is the Administrator at Mt. Olivet Baptist Church in Petersburg

  • Financial Secretary

    Financial Secretary

    Mr. James T. Jackson DCU’s Financial Secretary is a long time member of Zion Baptist Church and has served as a food intake volunteer at the Hope Center for many years. His experience and dedication have been invaluable to our ongoing success

  • Treasurer


    Mr. Roger Cosey
    Mr. Cosey is a member of Oak Street A.M.E. Zion Church and serves as their Finance Director.

  • Recording Secretary

    Recording Secretary

    Ms. Cindy Hamlin, Director of Development, Crater Community Hospice Cindy brings a wealth of fundraising experience to the DCU Board

  • Corresponding Secretary

    Corresponding Secretary

    Rev. Belinda Todd, First Baptist Church Rev. Todd has been a vital part of Downtown Churches United for many years. She served six years as Recording Secretary before taking on the work of the Corresponding Secretary. She has also served as co-chairperson of DCU’s main fundraiser, the P.T. Taylor/DCU Walk Against Hunger.

  • Immediate Past President

    Immediate Past President

    Dr. George W.C. Lyons, Jr., Pastor, Gillfield Baptist Church

  • Executive Director

    Executive Director

    Mr. D. Scott Fisher
    Registered Representative
    New York Life
    Member St. Joseph Catholic Church

Committee Chairpersons

  • Building Committee

    Building Committee

    Rev. Pastor Frank Mayfield, Pastor, Bread of Life Fellowship/Pure In Heart Ministries
  • Daily Feeding Program

    Daily Feeding Program

    Ms. Linda Ruffin
    Ms. Ruffin is a Retired Manager
    and a member of the Greater Faith
    AME Zion Church
  • Fund Raising and Development

    Fund Raising and Development

    The Very Rev. Sam SheridanSam is the Pastor of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Petersburg